Sunday, July 4, 2004


Well after yesterday I thought I'd go biking. I planned to visit Petit-P for 5 min. before I started, maybe pop-in after Church, or go to the Church and wait for Petit-P and Mother. But as I was just leaving I noticed Petit-P on MSN so I dropped a quick message. Good thing 'cause he said he was going to go Roller Blading. So I said I'll be there in 10-20 min wait and for me. I thought I would see him off. When I arrived [it's a fast 15 min. to 'cycle] his Mom said he didn't want to go RollerBlading and was using his ordinateur. So I told him to change so we could go [it was such a nice day] that I was going to enjoy it. After a little coaxing he final came but it took a good 45 min. Then his mother didn't want to go because, 'it wasn't a good time' [being in the middle of the day with the sun beating down]. I never accept this excuse. So we left.

We first returned to my place to pickup the camera. Petit-P wanted me to take some photos for the web-site. [Ya sure] No problem. After getting the camera we were off to the 'track' for roller-blading. We took some good photos and did some 'skit's with the movie camera. Should be good. After ~1hr went back to Petit-P's place and goofed around on the ordinateur, played some music. Very enjoyable. Also looked at some family photos of mon frere when he was, "tres petit". ~@6:00pm his Father came by to take him to diner. Off he went and ~20 min. later I left on my bike. His mom lent my his school bag so I could carry my camera home. Very nice.

Got home. Had some Pizza for diner.

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