Monday, May 31, 2004

The P's arrived on time @12:30pm. Small problem they went to the 'wrong' Grande-M. So it took I caught up with them ~@1:15pm. Since I went so far out of my way (the other Grande-M) is a lot closer I needed to get gas. I told them to make a left at Canadian Tire and go up to the Church as I went to get gas. Little confusing but thankfully they were waiting at the base for me as a came across the bridge, up the hill and made a left. Got to my place no problem. Hang around for a while then went out to get a couple of things.

Came back, [I think] we made some arrangements for the day or two they'd be here and went to bed. It was raining.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Started cleaning the place for my P's the arrive on Monday.

Ran around the city w/ECY visiting 5-6 schools re: Frames.

Hoping ECY will help with Annie's web-site, asked him to do a montage for the first page, start a contract for the 'magic' place.

Found the missing screws for my dinning room table and was able to put it together.

Borrowed MNM's movie camera.

Watched the DVD, "QuickSand".

Thursday, May 27, 2004

ECY visited with APJ to pick up his scooter. During the conversation I show him the update of the Frame Order Form and his says that he's already copied the 'current' one and given it out to the 250->300 people in the school. Since there's some incorrect information on the form we need to correct we are going to have to re-copy the form. He got a good price on the photocoping 300/sheets for $9.00.

Worked on Annie's web-site. Made the changes to the menu 'they' wanted and created the, "ContacInfo/Us" page.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Worked on Annie's web-site. Did 4 mockups of the Golf page, after last nights 'long' revision conversation.

Talked to Carmen re the Order Form revisions.

Went to pick-up PetiteP from school for 4:00pm.

Went to Get ECY from his school as well.

Took the frames over to the Hockey store.

Watch the DVD, "UnderWorld".

Friday, May 21, 2004

Got up early because ECY had a detention on his day off. Since he stayed over I drove him to school. Wondered around Office Depot for any hour or so. Then went back to pick him up. Came back to my place took some pictures of the frames that arrived yesterday and worked on the custom frame for him.

Watched the end of Lost in Translation.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

ECY stayed over for the night. First time he say and played FarCry. Watch the DVD, "Lost in Translation". I fell asleep near the end.

Went to bed ~@1:15am

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Worked on Annie's web-site. Added changed the 'header' to use the new name and added a 'Racing' section.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Spent most of the morning reading Blog's.

Spent most of the day trying to get some simple C-Sharp files to build under Microsoft's new LongHorn OS. Took a while to find the SDK.

Friday, May 14, 2004

ECY had a Doctor's appointment today so a took him to the Maxi exercise place. Nice place. Spent about 45 min. there. Then just hung around with him for the rest of the day.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Got back from ECY place ~@9:30am. Started Breakfast. Too my surprise some 'plumber' guy just walked into my place :-(

Spent the day working on Golf section.

Picked up ECY from school. Almost missed him. 1 minute later would have lost him.

Went back to his place and faxed the Microsoft document. Went smoothly.

Talked to PetiteP about fixing the computer. Unsure what's going on.

Started working on ECY's Video page.

Got my first term report card. Everything was great except Data Structures.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Spent most of the day removing various virus from PetiteP machine. My concern now what to do about the white line that goes across the screen. Who whould fix/pay for this?

Had diner late and watch part of the DVD, "Peter Pan".

ECY phoned ~@8:30pm, invited me over. More then happy to go.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Worked on Annie's web-site again for most of the day, after going to photocopy my rebate forms in the morning. Got back ~@11:00am.

Finished the 'Celebrity' section and a, 'Products' page.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Woke-up to snow! Wow! After weeks of 't-shirt' weather. Snow! BUT...In the afternoon too warm to wear a coat?!

Since it was snowing and I was working [on Annie's web-site] I was hoping PetiteP would forget about picking him up from school. He went to his Mother's place and phoned from there. I had to pick him up and take him to his Father's place. No problem, enjoyed the break.

watch the rest of the DVD, "Cody Banks".

Installing Virtual PC 2004 and the LongHorn preview.

Monday, May 3, 2004

Saturday, May 1, 2004

Watched a little Sat. morning tv. Nice, relaxing.

Installed the MUI for Visio.

Went to see ECY for a short amount of time.